Read my latest post from the Fast Thinking Think Tank:
If you are in education or corporate training circles then almost certainly someone will have mentioned to you the idea of learning styles and the need to build teaching systems around the preferred learning style of the student. It sounds so logical doesn’t it? Each of us learns in different ways and therefore it is only sensible that we should be taught in a way that matches our preferred learning style.
It sounds logical but it isn’t...
...The fact is learning styles are subject dependent, they are teacher dependent, they are temperature dependent, emotion dependent… in fact they are dependent on so many things that they just cannot be measured. It’s a good idea to recognize that we all learn in different ways for different subjects and try to vary our teaching to reflect that but the idea that we have one preferred learning style which must be matched to maximize our learning is a very bad one indeed.
Read the full post here
Yes, they're really dependent. Learning styles can actually be measured by in-depth studies. But these studies need enough time to be finished. One could take a sample from a certain class, then make them answer questions that can be measured statistically. Such studies are only guides for lecturers. They can either improve or maintain their way of teaching. The different learning styles can enhance an effective teacher and student.
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